Cloud Platform


Popular languagesPopular languages and frameworks

Write applications in some of the most popular programming languages: Python, Java, PHP and Go. Use existing frameworks such as Django, Flask, Spring and webapp2. Develop locally with language-specific SDKs. Pair your applications with Compute Engine to integrate other familiar technologies such as Node.js, C++, Scala, Hadoop, MongoDB, Redis and more.

FocusFocus on your code

Let Google worry about database administration, server configuration, sharding and load balancing. With Traffic Splitting, you can A/B test different live versions of your app. Multitenancy support lets you compartmentalize your application data.

StorageMultiple storage options

Choose the storage option you need: a traditional MySQL database using Cloud SQL, a schemaless NoSQL datastore, or object storage using Cloud Storage.

PowerfulPowerful built-in services

App Engine makes you more productive by eliminating the need to write boilerplate code. Managed services, such as Task Queues, Memcache and the Users API, let you build any application.

FamiliarFamiliar development tools

Use the tools you know, including Eclipse, IntellIJ, Maven, Git, Jenkins, PyCharm and more. The App Engine SDK allows you to test applications locally in a simulated environment and then deploy your app with simple command-line tools or the desktop launcher.

DeployDeploy at Google scale

Some of the world’s most popular web services are built on our platform. You can scale up to 7 billion requests per day and automatically scale down when traffic subsides.

Case Studies

Developers are building a wide range of applications on App Engine, including scalable web and mobile applications, games, enterprise applications and more.'s case study image

"Cloud Endpoints certainly has enabled us to offer an API that is on par with the best APIs out there... Building all of that without Google Cloud Endpoints would have been unthinkable."

Read's story

Pricing calculator

The Pricing Calculator provides you with a simple tool that can help you get a sense of what an application running on Google Cloud Platform could cost.

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All applications are free within a usage quota that is reset daily. Paid applications can use more at the prices below.
Service Free quota per app per day Pricing if you exceed your free quota
Instances 28 instance hours $0.05 / instance / hour
Cloud Datastore (NoSQL Database) 50k read/write/small
1 GB storage
$0.06 / 100k read or write ops
Small operations free*
$0.18 / GB / month
Outgoing Network Traffic 1 GB $0.12 / GB
Incoming Network Traffic 1 GB Free
Cloud Storage 5 GB $0.026 / GB / month
Memcache Free Usage of Shared Pool
No free quota for Dedicated Pool
Free Usage of Shared Pool
Dedicated Pool: $0.06 / GB / hour
Search 1000 basic operations
0.01 GB indexing documents
0.25 GB document storage
100 searches
$0.50 / 10k searches
$2.00 / GB indexing documents
$0.18 / GB / month Storage
Email API 100 recipients Contact Sales
Logs API 100 MB $0.12 per GB
Task Queue and
Logs Storage
5 GB
1 GB
$0.026 / GB / month
SSL Virtual IPs No free quota $39 / virtual IP / month
Bundled Services
Cron, Files API, Image Manipulation, Pagespeed, SNI SSL Certificates, Socket API, Task Queue API, URLFetch, Users API
   * Small datastore operations include calls to allocate datastore ids or keys-only queries