Cloud Platform


Multiple clientsOne tool, multiple clients

Build client libraries for Android, iOS and web-based clients from one source. Cloud Endpoints wraps your code to build an API server in just a few steps. Cloud Endpoint API libraries are available in Java, Python, Go and PHP. Learn more about Cloud Endpoints in our documentation or just dive in and try our sample Tic Tac Toe web application.

InfrastructureExtending App Engine infrastructure

All of the tools and libraries made available in App Engine are now available to your mobile devices. Access Datastore, Cloud Storage and Task Queues using your App Engine backend with no extra work. Integrate OAuth 2.0 authentication quickly by following our examples.

Low maintenanceLow maintenance client-server

Because Cloud Endpoints is backed by App Engine, you have no servers to maintain, no load balancing to worry about and the same quick and painless scaling. Like App Engine and our other Cloud services, you only pay for what you use.

Client-sideFlexible client-side integration

Annotate your server-side API and then build your client libraries automatically. Client libraries are built for Android and iOS. Get standard web clients up and running with a minimal JavaScript client library. All of your clients use similar APIs and the same backend, which keeps development time down.

Pricing calculator

The Pricing Calculator provides you with a simple tool that can help you get a sense of what an application running on Google Cloud Platform could cost.

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Cloud Endpoints is available free of charge for applications running on App Engine.