Cloud Platform

Pricing calculator

Want to get a sense of what running in the cloud will cost? The pricing calculator provides a quick and easy way to estimate what your usage will look like.

Get a custom quote

Pricing philosophy

We believe that pricing should as simple as possible and the burden of getting the best deal should be on us not you. That's why we have sustained-use discounts, pay by the minute pricing, and believe in Moore's law in the cloud.

See philosophy

Billing questions

Sometimes you just need to get questions about your bill answered. Take a look at our frequently asked questions and if you don't get an answer contact us.

See billing faqs

Compute Engine

Machine Type Pricing


Instance type Virtual Cores Memory Price (US$)/Hour
(US hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(Europe hosted)
n1-standard-1 1 3.75GB $0.070 $0.077
n1-standard-2 2 7.5GB $0.140 $0.154
n1-standard-4 4 15GB $0.280 $0.308
n1-standard-8 8 30GB $0.560 $0.616
n1-standard-16 16 60GB $1.120 $1.232

High Memory

Machines for tasks that require more memory relative to virtual cores
Instance type Virtual Cores Memory Price (US$)/Hour
(US hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(Europe hosted)
n1-highmem-2 2 13GB $0.164 $0.180
n1-highmem-4 4 26GB $0.328 $0.360
n1-highmem-8 8 52GB $0.656 $0.720
n1-highmem-16 16 104GB $1.312 $1.440

High CPU

Machines for tasks that require more virtual cores relative to memory
Instance type Virtual Cores Memory Price (US$)/Hour
(US hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(Europe hosted)
n1-highcpu-2 2 1.80GB $0.088 $0.096
n1-highcpu-4 4 3.60GB $0.176 $0.192
n1-highcpu-8 8 7.20GB $0.352 $0.384
n1-highcpu-16 16 14.40GB $0.704 $0.768

Shared Core

Machines for tasks that don't require a lot of resources but do have to remain online for long periods of time.
Instance type Virtual Cores Memory Price (US$)/Hour
(US hosted)
Price (US$)/Hour
(Europe hosted)
f1-micro 1 0.60GB $0.013 $0.014
g1-small 1 1.70GB $0.035 $0.0385

Sustained Use Discounts

Once you use an instance for over 25% of a billing cycle, your price starts dropping. This discount is applied automatically, with no sign-up or up-front commitment required. If you use an instance for 100% of the billing cycle, you get a 30% net discount over our already low prices.
More details

Network Pricing

Ingress Free
Egress to the same Zone. Free
Egress to a different Cloud service within the same Region. Free
Egress to Google products (such as YouTube, Maps, Drive). Free *
Egress to a different Zone in the same Region (per GB) $0.01
Egress to a different Region within the US $0.01 *
Inter-continental Egress At Internet Egress Rate
Internet Egress (Americas/EMEA destination) per GB  
0-1 TB in a month $0.12
1-10 TB $0.11
10+ TB $0.08
Internet Egress (APAC destination) per GB  
0-1 TB in a month $0.21
1-10 TB $0.18
10+ TB $0.15

Load Balancing and Protocol Forwarding

  US Europe
Hourly service charge $0.025 (5 rules included)
$0.010 per additional rule
$0.028 (5 rules included)
$0.011 per additional rule
Per GB of data processed $0.008 $0.009

Persistent Disk Pricing

Provisioned space $0.04 GB / month
Snapshot storage $0.125 GB / month
IO operations No additional charge

Image Storage

Image storage $0.085 GB / month

IP Address Pricing

Static IP address (assigned but unused) $0.01 / hour
Static IP address (assigned and in use) Free
Ephemeral IP address (attached to instance) Free
   * promotional pricing

App Engine


All applications are free within a usage quota that is reset daily. Paid applications can use more at the prices below.
Service Free quota per app per day Pricing if you exceed your free quota
Instances 28 instance hours $0.05 / instance / hour
Cloud Datastore (NoSQL Database) 50k read/write/small
1 GB storage
$0.06 / 100k read or write ops
Small operations free*
$0.18 / GB / month
Outgoing Network Traffic 1 GB $0.12 / GB
Incoming Network Traffic 1 GB Free
Cloud Storage 5 GB $0.026 / GB / month
Memcache Free Usage of Shared Pool
No free quota for Dedicated Pool
Free Usage of Shared Pool
Dedicated Pool: $0.06 / GB / hour
Search 1000 basic operations
0.01 GB indexing documents
0.25 GB document storage
100 searches
$0.50 / 10k searches
$2.00 / GB indexing documents
$0.18 / GB / month Storage
Email API 100 recipients Contact Sales
Logs API 100 MB $0.12 per GB
Task Queue and
Logs Storage
5 GB
1 GB
$0.026 / GB / month
SSL Virtual IPs No free quota $39 / virtual IP / month
Bundled Services
Cron, Files API, Image Manipulation, Pagespeed, SNI SSL Certificates, Socket API, Task Queue API, URLFetch, Users API
   * Small datastore operations include calls to allocate datastore ids or keys-only queries

Cloud SQL

Google offers two billing plans for Cloud SQL:

For developers with more traffic, we have package plans that offer a discount and help you predict your costs in advance.

For developers with lightweight applications, we offer a flexible "per use" pricing scheme. You pay only for the time you access your data. Get started with a cloud-hosted MySQL database for around $1 per month.


Tier RAM Included Storage Included I/O
(per day)
(per day)
D0 0.125GB 0.5GB 200K $0.36
D1 0.5GB 1GB 850K $1.46
D2 1GB 2GB 1.7M $2.93
D4 2GB 5GB 4M $5.86
D8 4GB 10GB 8M $11.71
D16 8GB 10GB 16M $23.42
D32 16GB 10GB 32M $46.84

Additional storage, up to 100GB, is charged at $0.24/GB per month.

External network egress is charged at $0.12/GB.

Per Use

Resource Charge
D0 Database Instance (0.125GB RAM) $0.025/hour
D1 Database Instance (0.5GB RAM) $0.10/hour
D2 Database Instance (1GB RAM) $0.19/hour
D4 Database Instance (2GB RAM) $0.38/hour
D8 Database Instance (4GB RAM) $0.77/hour
D16 Database Instance (8GB RAM) $1.54/hour
D32 Database Instance (16GB RAM) $3.08/hour
1GB Storage $0.24/month
I/O $0.10/million
Idle IP address $0.01/hour
External network egress $0.12/GB

Cloud Storage

Storage Pricing

per GB per month
Storage Pricing (per GB per month)
Standard Storage Durable Reduced
Availability Storage
$0.026 $0.02


Monthly Usage Network (Egress) - Americas
and EMEA* Destinations (per GB)
Network (Egress) - Asia-Pacific Destinations
(per GB)
Network (Ingress)
First 0-1 TB $0.12 $0.21 Free
Next 9TB $0.11 $0.18 Free
Next 90TB $0.08 $0.15 Free
Additional Storage Contact us Contact us  
*Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)


Class A operations (per 1,000 ops) Class B operations (per 10,000 ops) Free operations
$0.01 $0.01 Free

XML API operation classes

Operation Class
GET Service
GET Bucket (when listing objects in a bucket)
Class A
GET Bucket (when retrieving bucket configuration)
GET Object
Class B

JSON API operation classes

Operation Class
Class A
Class B
storage.*.delete Free

Cloud Datastore

  Free quota per day Pricing if you exceed your free quota
Stored data 1 GB total limit $0.18 / GB / month
Write operations 50k $0.09/100k operations
Read operations 50k $0.06/100k operations
Small operations 50k $0.01/100k operations


BigQuery uses a columnar data structure, which means that for a given query, you are only charged for data processed in each column, not the entire table. The first 100GB of data processed per month is at no charge.

On-Demand Pricing

Resource Pricing
Loading Data Free
Exporting Data Free
Storage $0.026 per GB / month1,4
Interactive Queries $5 per TB processed2,3,4
Batch Queries $5 per TB processed2,3,4
Streaming Inserts Free until July 1, 2014

After July 1, 2014, $0.01 per 100,000 rows for streaming inserts.
   1 Charges rounded up to the nearest MB; minimum 1 MB data per table
   2 Charges rounded up to the nearest MB; minimum 1 MB data processed per each table referenced by a query
   3 The first 100 GB of data processed per month is at no charge
   4 Charges are based on the uncompressed data size.

Reserved Capacity Pricing

For larger, more consistent workloads, reserved capacity can save as much as 70% off On-Demand Pricing. To sign up please contact a sales representative.

Cloud Endpoints

Cloud Endpoints is available free of charge for applications running on App Engine and Compute Engine.

Translate API

Google Translate API pricing is based on usage. Translate usage is calculated in millions of characters (M), where 1 M = 106 characters. For more information, see the Pricing FAQ.
Important: Google Translate API v.2 requires billing information for all accounts before you can start using the service. See instructions below in usage fees on how to enable billing.

Google Translate API pricing is based on usage. Translation usage is calculated in millions of characters (M), where 1 M = 106 characters. For more information, see the Pricing FAQ.

Important: Google Translate API v2 requires billing information for all accounts before you can start using the service. See instructions below on how to enable billing.

  • Usage fees:
    • Translation:
      • $20 per 1 M characters of text, where the charges are adjusted in proportion to the number of characters actually provided. For example, if you were to translate 500K characters, you would be billed $10.
    • Language Detection:
      • $20 per 1 M characters of text, where the charges are adjusted in proportion to the number of characters actually provided.
  • Usage limits:
    • Google Translate API has a default limit of 2 M chars/day. You can increase this limit up to 50 M chars/day in the Cloud Console by following the instructions below.
    • If you need to translate more than 50 M chars/day, please contact us

To enable billing for your project, do the following:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Select a project.
  3. In the sidebar on the left, select Billing.
  4. At the top of the page, select Enable Billing.
  5. Fill in the form.

To view or change usage limits for your project, or to request an increase to your total limit, do the following:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Select a project.
  3. In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth, then select an API.
  4. On the API's info page, select the Quota link near the API name.

Prediction API

Free Quota

Usage is free for the first six months, up to the following limits per Google Cloud Console project. This free quota applies even when billing is enabled, until the six-month expiration time.

  • Usage limits:
    • Predictions: 100 predictions/day
    • Hosted model predictions: Hosted models have a usage limit of 100 predictions/day/user across all models.
    • Training: 5MB trained/day
    • Streaming updates: 100 streaming updates/day
  • Lifetime cap: 20,000 predictions.
  • Expiration: Free quota expires six months after activating Google Prediction for your project in the Google Cloud Console.

Note that some Prediction API usage scenarios depend on Google Cloud Storage, which has different pricing terms from the Prediction API.

Paid Usage

Paid usage comes with a 99.9% availability service level agreement. Read more about the SLA here.

Monitor your usage on the Google Cloud Console. Any usage beyond the free usage quota will fail if you have not enabled billing for the project. Once you exceed the free quota, the following prices and limits apply:

  • Base fee: $10 monthly fee per Google Cloud Console project.
  • Usage fees:
    • Prediction:
      • 10,000 predictions/month: $0.00
      • 10,001+ predictions/month: $0.50/1,000 predictions beyond the initial 10,000
    • Training:
      • $0.002/MB bulk trained (maximum size of each dataset: 2.5GB)
      • 0-10,000 streaming updates: $0.00
      • 10,001+ streaming updates: $0.05/1,000 updates beyond the initial 10,000.
  • Usage limits:
    • If you intend to make more than 40,000 predictions/day, please contact us.
    • Google Prediction has a default limit of 2,000,000 predictions/day per project for your own models.
    • Hosted models have a usage limit of 100 predictions/day/user across all demonstration models. Developers can set higher paid usage limits for models they create. Please see each model's documentation for more details.

Important: These charges do not include any Google Cloud Storage fees that might be required to hold training data. Please see the pricing sheet for Google Cloud Storage to determine any additional costs that you might incur.