Cloud Platform


Reliable and real-time messaging

Cloud Pub/Sub guarantees that messages will get delivered — swiftly, if all consumers are online, or if not, stored across multiple servers. Messages can be pushed to any secure Web server, or pulled from anywhere on the Internet.

Flexibility to embrace change

By using Cloud Pub/Sub instead of hard wiring service dependencies, developers can adapt to changes in data inputs, data outputs, data formats, and data security policies. Cloud Pub/Sub enables developers to grow from simple one-to-one queues to topics that ‘fan-in’ from multiple publishers and ‘fan-out’ to multiple subscribers.

Powered by Google’s global network

Unlike many messaging services, Cloud Pub/Sub is global by design: it remains available even when some zones or regions aren’t. Google’s private global fiber network helps publishers ‘fire-and-forget’ with minimal latency, as well as assuring subscribers that their data has redundant forwarding paths.

Designed for Fast Data

Publish-and-subscribe messaging helps connect apps and devices that send data into processing pipelines, and back out to other apps, devices, and Google Cloud Platform services for further storage and analysis.

Designed for Google scale

Cloud Pub/Sub is built on the same technologies Google uses to connect its own services, from Ads to Hangouts. The API was designed with lessons learned from several middleware solutions that have proven their reliability, performance, and scalability at Google.