Cloud Platform

Benefits of building games on Google Cloud Platform:

Focus on your game

No need to maintain and troubleshoot your infrastructure.

Scale infinitely

Scale seamlessly from hundreds to millions of users.

Build with Google

With a variety of APIs and services, Google has the tools you need.

How to get started

Game Development Best Practices

Learn how to design the architecture for games that use App Engine and Compute Engine to scale to serve millions of players.

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Google App Engine

Create games on Google’s platform that are easy to manage and scale. Just focus on building your game and App Engine will handle all the operations of your app.

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Google Cloud Endpoints

Build scalable and flexible backends for your web and Android and iOS games.

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Google Cloud Storage

Store, access and manage your games’ media and large data files on Google’s storage infrastructure. Data is stored with high reliability and redundancy, and served directly to the client devices.

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Additional Benefits

Serve large media files

Users increasingly demand higher resolution images and downloads of all sizes. Keep users coming back and engaged with your app by continuously offering fresh content. Google Cloud Storage offers a simple REST based interface for storing large files in the cloud and uses the same high-speed network that powers Google’s applications.

Build wide variety of games on the Google Platform

Google Cloud Platform allows you to build games for mobile platforms, including Android and iOS, and web platforms, including Chrome OS and Facebook. You can also build different types of games, from turn-based games to social games.

Easily integrate with Mobile Devices

Use Google Cloud Endpoints to automatically expose your server logic as web APIs and generate strongly typed client libraries for iOS, Android and JavaScript for standard web apps.

Synchronize game state across multiple devices

Store gamestate in the App Engine Datastore or Google Cloud Storage, making it available from all the devices your users have and provide you with the ability to get deep insights from it.

Analyze user engagement

Understanding what users are doing and how your game is performing is key to unlocking the value of your application. But to do this, you need more than just logging - you need powerful analytics. Google BigQuery exposes the same technology we use at Google to solve these problems for your applications, allowing you to do real time ad-hoc analysis of terabytes of data to feed to your dashboards. Or you can use MapReduce on App Engine to crunch huge datasets in parallel for non real-time analysis.

Distribute and monetize your game with Google

Monetize your game using Google AdSense and Google In-App Payments. Adsense allows you to display targeted ads that match your game’s look and feel. In-App payments enables you to sell virtual goods with a flat 5% fee. Distribute your game using the Chrome Web Store for web games or Google Play for mobile games.

Customers building games on Cloud Platform

MAG Interactive

MAG Interactive

"Our rapid growth to 5M Ruzzle players in less than six months required a highly scalable server solution. Google App Engine transformed this huge challenge into a picnic."

Read about MAG Interactive's story
Pocket Gems

Pocket Gems

"We were fortunate to be on Google App Engine. If we had used a different technology, we might not have been able to scale quickly enough."

Read about Pocket Gems's story